You can’t do that here in Canada! Are you kidding?
Thanks specifically to his work on the development of the Super Arrow, Green has met some truly world class professionals. With the refusal by the former Prime Minister Stephen Harper to safeguard Nortel and our telecommunications infrastructure, it has lead to gaping holes within our national telecommunications web. With Huawei, a known front for Chinese Intelligence to be allowed into the North American marketplace, against the advice of the 5-Eyes security alliance, Huawei has deeply inserted itself into the telecom space, resulting in gaping holes within our domestic telecommunications landscapes. With stories emerging about how with specialised computer boards, which form the backbone of large scale computational capability, it has been found that there are small, non-descript, un-labelled chips placed on boards which do not appear in any technical manuals. These chips are designed to clone, strip off and send a stream of packets of all the information being processed and analysed on that system, to the group which made the chips, in most cases, it has been ordered by Chinese Intelligence.
When Simon Fraser University recently unveiled their own supercomputer, many Canadians were excited about this new capability as shown by the news footage, however when the footage showed how Huawei technologies were front and centre within the core of the capability, it immediately disqualified itself from ever processing advanced computer simulations which require absolute information security.
Canada does not foster an economic climate which is favourable to entrepreneurs who dream of developing anything even remotely considered “high tech”. However, thanks to the Internet and nature of this technology, Green has been able to sidestep, highly entrenched cultures of disbelief & discouragement,
When NORTEL was killed off, it killed off our ability on a national scale to operate within the sovereign telecom sphere and by extension, ensured one of the elements found within the term:
Command |
Control |
Communications |
Computers |
Intelligence |
Interoperability |
“In Alberta, if it’s not related to oil and gas, you can pretty much forget it. When you have really radically advanced ideas, ideas which frankly belong within conversations inside labs in companies located at Silicon Valley, it can be incredibly discouraging as more often than not, people look at you like you’re totally insane. I’m the guy that will throw real money into a project I feel will make a solid return while at the same time, doing what I can to advance Canada and fly our flag.”
I have had the privilege and distinct pleasure and honour to meet many, many truly wonderful Canadians, many of which, well nearly all Canadians I’ve met support the kind of work I am working to advance. However most people don’t have the resources like they used to prior to former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s decision to move Canada away from using the Bank of Canada Act the way it was intended and as a result, Canada has amassed a trillion dollar debt which we pay over 30 Billion a year just in interest, all of which could be funds, our funds, our wealth, Canadian Taxpayers Wealth, could be used to open up investment spigots and fund new and innovative ideas. Those with money today here in Canada has bread an investor climate which does not foster innovation. To be frank, it fosters an attitude with innovators where one wants to pick up and move to Silicon Valley and be done with bashing your head against the wall. I didn’t get in this to design and build something to eventually sell it off to foreign controlling interests. I fought off hostile attempts by foreign companies to seize Beaverworks and the Super Arrow. If I wanted the bird in the sky right now, or certainly on its way, it could be, however it would be American and any sort of Canadian recognition would be nothing more than a mere pat on the head followed by being dismissed. No. I got into this because Canada needs to have what we are building and it needs to reside under Canadian leadership. Why? Because I’m sick and tired of seeing companies which at one point Canadian, now being controlled by foreign owned companies, if a decision is made to terminate thousands of jobs, its made by someone thousands of kilometres away, are disconnected from those that decision affects and have no clue on the hardship imposed. Meanwhile they are sucking back martinis at some bear bar. No sir. I have no problems in becoming a psychopath in business, but I’d prefer not to. I’d prefer to build something incredibly high tech, something all Canadians can be proud of, something ungodly advanced, but something also ultra secure.
This is where our supercomputer comes in. There are two ways to become a wealthy within the IT industry. The first, you design a website that everyone likes, everyone uses, learn all about your customer, all the meta data, deeply invade their personal, private and intimate space, sell that data and make your money through that and the IPO route. The second, is through building hardware for computers which runs the software. Within this world, which I am very familiar with because I was raised by an electrical engineer with mainframes in our basement and a host of other cool stuff, there are the chips, boards and software. Chips for now are outside our area of capability, however, we will get there. So until then, we will use commercially available chips. Next is the board design itself. I have a buddy, I’ll call him Guy and he’s very supportive of the Super Arrow. He’s a world class guru of digital. I happen to know a few people I regard as Canadian IT weapons experts. Well after speaking for months, we decided to design our own boards which would form the backbone of a supercomputer array which we could use in an ultra secure manner and not have any concerns whatsoever about the security integrity of our data. When you have an ultra advanced aircraft with its sole purpose to push the envelope in the areas of defence, every effort is made, every extreme effort is made to ensure security is present at all stages. All that security from a design perspective has been taken into consideration and is built into the design of our boards. We are close to finishing. Once the design is finished, a process by which we have identified a Canadian company which can manufacture our boards in a secure manner in compliance with the highest standards of technical excellence, we provide the design and the chips, they manufacture and assemble the board and we are off to the pony show.
Once we can demonstrate the capability and prove it can meet or exceed our performance levels we expect, then we will begin arrangements to sell these to various large, Western based companies and Government Agencies, groups that need the same degree of ultra-secure standards we to help advance the bird. Its all about the bird. This is a vehicle to help achieve the bird, both in running hyper advanced wind tunnel simulations, performance simulations, loading, FIE and more. It will also enable us to acquire the technology, either through purchasing or through directly manufacturing our own, large 6 Axis milling machines which will enable us to manufacture sections of the air frame. The Super Arrow is for me, the daughter of the Avro Arrow, which is the daughter of all Canadians. The mother was butchered, what I have is her offspring, in the form of a single, snoring, sleeping baby bird, pulled from the ashes of history, and once awoke and she takes her first flight, I hope will heal, genuinely heal, a terrible wound to the soul of Canadians and our country as a whole. The Super Arrow must fulfil that as a symbolic act that indeed, the Canadian Phoenix has risen. Its not about the money, profit that comes with procurement, none of that. This is about keeping true to the memory of her mother, those Canadians which worked tirelessly to build her, the original Avro Arrow, and heal that tear in the fabric of our national soul. Perhaps, once it is, we can begin to appreciate that we as Canadians can in fact stand on our own, we can develop on our own, can leverage the immense creativity, talent, expertise this nation routinely produces and rebuild this destroyed industry here in Canada of military aerospace.
Perhaps, once it is, we can begin to appreciate that we as Canadians can in fact stand on our own, we can develop on our own, can leverage the immense creativity, talent, expertise this nation routinely produces and rebuild this destroyed industry here in Canada of military aerospace. As an artist, I see the soul of the bird, investors see the profits, technicians see the parts, but I see the soul…her heart and soul. Once we can get our supercomputer finished, tested and ready for market, then for us to make a few hundred, or tens of thousands, are as easy as pushing a button. We take the payment, remit payment for manufacturing, take possession of the boards, assemble the system and ship them. Done.
The final boards may not be issued under the Beaverworks Supercomputer brand, that is still up for discussions. It doesn’t matter to me. As long as they work, they perform and sell, that’s all that matters. I am that guy who can literally crush even the most powerful supercomputer in the world today. Easy. As someone with a passion for astrophysics, I’ve always had a profound curiosity into various areas and with access to a supercomputer, it will give me means to visualise various situations I’ve always thought about. What we need, what humanity needs, is a quantum-based supercomputer about 100 trillions times more powerful than today’s quantum system, because what’s on the horizon will blow your mind if I am correct. That level of computational power is the base minimum we will need in order to tackle what is coming down the information pipe.
My goal is to, as an artist and caretaker of symbols, is to take care of the bird and our country. Being a caretaker of symbols, imparts a heavy obligation to ensure that I personally, can and do live up to at least the ideals of which that symbol comes to represent. From the Canadian Flag painting which now resides in the House of Commons, or handling Her Majesties Crown and the crest of the RCAF, my very nature of being an artist, is like ensuring I have an ultra-clean room in my soul, so that when handling those symbols, is done so with the absolute highest degree of care, honour, dignity and character. Canada is my home, its our home. We can’t let it continue to be dismantled and gutted. It needs to be built up, shored up, supported and all the red tape of government which inhibits real economic growth, in simple terms, needs to be eliminated. The bird has lead me down a very unorthodox path in life. I never expected to be doing this, but I’ll be honest, its given my life meaning and purpose. It gives me something to do when I wake up. The coins are about the bird. Everything I do is about how can I advance the bird. Engineers who would take this on, try and do what I’ve done, would have their credibility destroyed. This is something only an artist can do. Artists are the ones who can see all the angles, the significance and meaning, technical expertise requirements and business angles. Artists are the ones who are routinely dismissed and disregarded in Canada. I’ve had it happen in my life. Artists, including myself, have experienced starvation in order to pursue the work. That demonstrates that money has no standing when compared to the significance of the work. The bird represents all that is great about Canadian engineering, technology, culture of innovation in technology and innovation taking place where none thought possible. The supercomputer, I sincerely hope, will finally unlock the barriers holding her back. She must be done, but done right or not at all. After all, she is an art piece. There is a reason why the term “state of the art” exists. I am the artist behind the Super Arrow and I set the state.” -Joe Green
To give you an idea, the animation produced beside, required approximately 7 months of time on a dual quad core workstation to simulate and produce. This is a particle simulation of 7000 particles falling into a pool of about 300 000 particles. Green is interested in being able to model every particle in the entire known universe on a 1:1 ratio, simulate it in faster than real time and conduct very advanced simulations for visualisation purposes. One simulation Green is interested in, is modelling and simulating a cosmic impact of a comet impact upon the North American ice sheet which has an energy equivalent of a nuclear explosion larger than 150 000X larger than all the known, man made nuclear warheads detonated simultaneously, transferring that heat into the ice sheet, then examine the realistic simulated the water flow factoring in the topology of the earth and back test against known variables to identify where the comet which hit Canada in 10200BC would most likely have occurred. Today’s most powerful supercomputers are about as powerful as the first digital calculator compared to where we need to be and where we intend on going. The pursuit of research in science provides objective truth which serves to enrich all of humanity.