Sargon of Akkad, Arrogant Ego & The Morally Destitute Idiot Left

The Left Crossed the Rubicon

As some of you may know, recently the online community funding website Patreon, a once cherished platform for creative people to be funded through their content, has recently made the fatal mistake in business where they unilaterally decided, be it from external pressure from others or from and most likely from a place of ego by the leaders at Pateron, decided to Cross the Rubicon in the war of free speech and de-platformed and eliminated Sargon of Akkad from being able to earn a livelihood from engaging his right of freedom of expression through publishing videos expressing his ideas.

The woman at the centre of this absolute disaster used to work at PayPal and it seems decided to leverage her connections to not only shift the blame away from her rank amateur decision, but then proceeded to convince PayPal to terminate support to the rival of Patreon, Subscribestar. PayPal is too big, too mired in its own issues to care about Sargon and in my opinion, probably did it as a favour to her not thinking anything of it and as a result, has now opened itself up to major PR disaster and probably a host of Federal Trade Practices violations and Anti Trust violations.

At this moment, the woman in question, Jacqueline Hart, and her ego and the C.E.O. Jordan Cope, must be hoping for all this to simply “Go away…JUST GO AWAY!” When you have a website and keep in mind, its just a website mind you, you live and die by your community as the singular most paramount item which enables any form of online success, is your community you build, support and nurture. In the case of Patreon, they have been caught red handed, as if a spouse walking in to find their significant other in the middle cheating and everything has been exposed, however in this scenario, its being played out on the international stage and like a bad accident, we all can’t help but to watch how this drama will unfold.

With the rise of the post-modernist extreme left returning from the Stalinist grave, its driving hard to foist into the world through leveraging its technical advances, its own ideology into the mainstream and through a system of advanced and clandestine osmosis, is pushing people into accepting the agenda it is promoting: the very agenda which will see the core foundation of western civilisation crumble at the feet of tyranny, indecency, degenerate behaviour and inverting our most basic collective values. It says deafening words when a trillion dollar organisation like Apple feels threatened by people like Alex Jones or Patreon feels threatened by Sargon; it says the devices and the profits from them are only a tool to obtain the real gem: the absolute control over the way people think.

Stick & Stones May Break My Bones But Words Annihilate Nations

What is most surprising is the degree to which open collusion between industries take place as a strategy to collectively and simultaneously strike targets which are threats to the mainstream narrative the technocratic oligarchs are attempting to weave. In one collective move, as was the case with Alex Jones, it demonstrated what being deplatformed means and subsequently, sent a message to the world to not cross their digital masters. It doesn’t matter if you like, hate or don’t care about Alex Jones or Sargon, its that we have a profound abuse of power taking place in the clear open world, they are openly bragging of it, showing off in a drunken hubris state, how much power they have to crush someone. However, the difference between Alex Jones and Sargon and why this it seems is so much different, is because love him or not, Alex Jones created by intentional design a reputation which leaves one questioning his sanity, basis for reality and more. As such, its easier for the notion where his reputation can be slandered and people for the most part accept it because of the reputation he’s already established. In the case of Sargon, his thought provoking videos are just that, they calmly provoke independent thought which highlights the profound disparity between the technocrats and the rest of the world and clearly have threatened to bring down, or at least shatter the ultra thin veneer these technical companies have established by showing nothing more than the truth of how it is they behave, operate and selectively persecute based on radical, post modernist ideology and punishes those it reviles and hates: those who tell the truth, present facts,evidence and clearly demonstrate the immense hypocrisy and flagrant double standard these rank amateur, IQ challenged ideologues think.

We in the west, must, as a vital component to national security at the very least, must always ensure freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom to express ideas, otherwise, we become susceptible to being taken over by an ideology of absolute suppression, domination, digital slavery, one in which oppresses anyone who challenges the narrative these, dare I say either hate filled or weakling cowards espouse. For every bully, there is a coward who goes along thinking they will defend them. However, like bullies, the flagrant doctrines they espouse fall victim to the hammer of truth driven by the tolerant until such time instincts activate and a response is warranted. Actions spurred by this flagrant, arrogant and child-like display of spurned contempt as we see with Patreon, using phrases which depict them as the sole providers of the funding when they are nothing more than a technical facilitator of enabling patrons of a creative content producer to receive their donation, as the sole entity responsible for generating the wealth and then allocating it, serve to underscore the contemptuous attitudes of its leadership and illustrates the profound disconnect from reality this delusional personality yields.

Through Sargon, We Have Seen the Inbound Storm

Thanks to this event, it served to act as a proxy for all of western freedom by telegraphing the strategy and lengths to which this evil, oppressive and sub-human doctrine espouses. Post Modernism in practice results in the oppression, enslavement, abuse and eventual murder of the innocent. There is nothing redeeming about it. At all. They have penetrated into the highest offices and highest classrooms in universities, funded by those whose sole ambition is to simple see the world burn. This twisted mentality is relentlessly pushing for tolerance of the sexualising of children, normalisation of paedophilia and working hard to implement legislation within all governments led by the radical post-modern left to implement a policy of compassion for child rape under the auspices of love and compassion. How else would young Desmond, a clear victim of child sexual abuse know and be aware of the term “P”, an singular abbreviation to represent paedophiles, let alone about snorting drugs unless he was subjected to it?

If Desmond is not rescued and removed from his abusive parents, he will end up dead from a horrible life of being passed around, sexually used and abused, become drug addicted and finally left alone to die when he is no longer the sexually attractive young boy, his fame gone, money spent by his parents and morally abandoned in a spiritually deprived world. This is where the Post-Modernist Left is pushing the world: normalising the immoral under the warped and new definition of brave, amazing and courageous. Desmond is not old enough to know what bravery, courage and amazement is. There are some people in this world, whose depravity knows no bounds, no bottom, no limit and in that, is found the immoral nature of the Post-Modernist ideology: burn morals, ethics, integrity, foundations of stability, normalcy…all of it…burn it all. Civilisation is measured by our morality and our morality is as strong as its weakest link. This ideology has broken that link and this event as highlighted by Sargon and Patreon, exposed the seedy underbelly of this movement at the highest levels to undermine and destroy, we have as a civilisation have worked, sacrificed and died to build and make safe for our families. When universities indoctrinate a false narrative of hate, they twist the minds of the impressionable and over the 4 years they attend, the mind, like concrete, sets. They emerge with a core belief which is directly inverted to reality. Perhaps through the actions of Patreon, Apple and others, along with the Post-Modernist paedophile, are simply engaging in a policy of Manifest Destiny.

Patreon: Nothing more than a Website like MySpace & Soon…Facebook

People are generally good, honest, sincere and filled with love. When you endlessly persist in manipulating, warping, twisting and engaging in harm towards them, eventually people just have enough and find alternatives which are more in line with their nature. People don’t want to be tracked, manipulated, victimised, abused and have their livelihoods stripped from them. Eventually, those who engage in these activities, ultimately become the victims of the policies they practice. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Perhaps they will do a live stream as the companies eventually declare bankruptcy.

To Sargon: Well Done. 

Bravo Patreon. Can you do anything else really stupid?